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What to Drink When You Exercise

Most of us prefer cold water when we are thirsty. What to drink when exercising is however not just water especially when the water can be flavored. As long as these cold beverages keep us from dehydration and that they do not contain any harmful substances to our bodies, they are excellent in quenching thirst after a workout. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine promotes flavored drinks rather than water for fluid replacement during or after physical activity in order to enhance palatability as well. You do not need to wait till you feel thirsty in order to take a drink. Any time you sweat while exercising, you lose a lot of body fluids and thus the need to replenish the lost fluids. What to drink when you exercise include the following:
1. Vitamin or fortified Water

These will definitely help you add electrolytes in order for your body to recover after rigorous physical activity. There are some sweeteners that may be added to the vitamin water and the experts recommend that these should be taken with moderation. Since there can be too many vitamins in the vitamin water, which can affect absorption as well as utilization of other nutrients, some people prefer ordinary clean drinking water dressed up or flavored with lime, lemon, strawberry, or orange.

2. Sports Drinks

A sports drink can help you increase your energy level without any complications in your digestion and absorption systems. The three things your body will benefit from in a sports drink include:

- Hydration

It is recommended that individuals should take 17 ounces of fluid 2 hours before the exercise in order
for their bodies to be adequately hydrated and be allowed time to excrete excess water. In the course of the exercise, the athletes should regularly drink fluids according to the rate at which they are losing the fluids via sweating.


Sweetened sports drinks contain carbohydrates that in turn provide energy which helps in delaying fatigue. According to a number of lab tests, 14 grams of carbohydrates per 8 ounces of water is the optimum for rushing the fluids as well as energy back into the body.

- Minerals or electrolytes

These include elements that the athletes lose as they sweat during physical activity such as sodium, chloride, and potassium. The electrolytes need to be replaced in the body just like the water.

3. Energy drinks

Depending on the type of energy drink, these drinks can be taken in various amounts in the course of exercising. Red Bull for instance has 106 calories of carbohydrates as well as 193 milligrams sodium. Also, it has a jolt of caffeine. The sugar-free types of energy drinks meanwhile do give the jolt of caffeine without the calories. Caffeine is a nonharmful stimulant that provides benefits that are performance-enhancing. These include improved stamina, endurance as well as reaction time. Caffeine generally stimulates motor skills, alertness, and concentration. However, if overused, caffeine can cause jitters, and thus it is important to consume the right amounts.

The other ingredients added to most of the energy drinks we take include:

Ginkgo biloba

This is thought to prevent mental decline. However, this is still on debate.


It is similar to amino acids yet it is not considered as a component of proteins. Glucuronolactone is a compound that is produced in the course of the metabolism of glucose in the liver is believed to be capable of fighting fatigue.


Guarana has been nicknamed ‘'herbal caffeine.'' It is a type of stimulant like caffeine and should also be used with a lot of moderation.


This element is believed to increase energy and promote mental alertness in the body.


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