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How To Exercise Your Brain

It is very easy to exercise your physical body and so far most of us do it regularly almost like it is required. However, some of us are not even aware that our brain needs exercise as well. It is as important as exercising the rest of the body. The brain improves as well as grows whenever it has interaction with the outside world. The human brain can adapt to a person’s life. At old age, it can even grow brand new neurons. Just like the rest of your body, you should use the brain muscle, or else you will lose it. Some of the basic activities you can engage in in order to improve the brain include the ones explained below.

1. Physical activity
In order to avoid both physical and cognitive decline, it is important to participate in physical activity. There is no enough exercise when it comes to the matters of keeping the body and mind alive as well as healthy. As individuals go through various stages of life, they should vary their physical activity. For instance, if you do a lot of walking or running try varying your routes. This way, you can see new sights, meet new people as well as learn new street signs. If you join a group activity, you will definitely meet new people and form new relationships. For all the new activities you will have indulged in, your brain will be forced to adjust accordingly and change.

2. Group activity
Starting a group activity is extremely important in the sense that, it helps the individuals improve their brainpower using the new activities. Furthermore, the resultant socialization is of great benefit to your brain. When we exchange socially, we are forced to think as well as make new responses to the discussion topics. Discussion is like food for your brain. You can join a group like a book club in order for you to hear new opinions and find out how best to respond to them. Keep your brain active and alive by talking to anybody in your vicinity in order to absorb other new ideas.
3. Learn new things
Some of the activities that are good for the health of your brain include reading, playing games like Scrabble, crossword puzzles as well as jigsaw puzzles. Apart from these, you can exercise your brain by learning a new language. It is human nature to sometimes try resisting learning new things in life. This is so natural and can be very uncomfortable. Usually, it is because the brain is learning as well as getting used to the new changes. However slow you are, be positive because the bottom line is that learning is taking place. You are also staving off cognitive decline that comes about with conditions related to a decrease in mental capability such as Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Use all the five senses
All five senses are capable of sending various messages to the brain. This is paramount when it comes to learning. You should attempt using all the senses in order to send a variety of messages to the brain. For instance, you could close your eyes and try typing any word on your keyboard or even dressing a salad! This way, you will depend on touch as well as smell to move ideas around in the brain. Try to take notice of the changes in your environment every day by observing other people, animals, plants, and generally the surroundings. Even by simply imagining some of the things you have learned recently or in the past, you improve your brain. Always remember to think positively in your imaginations in order to improve mental health.
A good diet makes a healthy physical body; a healthy body in turn makes a healthy brain. The best brain foods are antioxidants. Diet is not the only way to improve your brain, however. Your brain also needs rest, exercise as well as stimulation in order to function at its best. 


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