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Top 10 Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga workouts combine a series of poses usually in a form of exercises of low impact. There are various types of yoga that offer a variety of health benefits depending on the individual's goals. Some forms of yoga such as restorative yoga are specifically meant for relaxation whereas others like vinyasa and ashtanga put more emphasis on a fast pace in moving through their poses. Whichever the form, all yoga exercises do offer both mental and physical health benefits. Some of the health benefits include:

1. Controlling weight

Since yoga is a type of physical activity, it can help you burn extra calories as you move through the poses. A yoga class with a fast pace will often help you burn a lot more calories hence put your weight under check. The increased wellness derived from yoga helps individuals in making better choices such as adopting a better and healthier diet.

2.  Manage illnesses

According to various studies, yoga is potentially a way of improving and managing a number of health matters. These include cancer, anxiety, depression, insomnia as well as chronic pain. Yoga workouts also lower the heart rate as well as blood pressure. In addition, this exercise enables individuals to have improved sleep.

3.  Lowering stress levels

Yoga is a very involving exercise. This means that the focus needed for the poses has a way of pushing out of your mind the stress emanating from financial problems, work as well as other daily occurrences. Most of the yoga forms also include chanting and meditation such that they further relieve you of the stress. A stress-free mind improves your mood. A regular routine of yoga helps you, therefore, maintain calm feelings throughout the day.

4. Physical strength

Since the poses involved in yoga need muscular strength for you to achieve as well as maintain the proper position, yoga is helpful in increasing your physical strength. The poses are such that they have to be held for a specific duration depending on the form of yoga. By holding the right positions, you increase your physical strength and the result is a well-toned look.

5.  Body Balance

Many asanas or poses such as the tree pose need a greater balance sense due to positioning. In the course of the tree pose, you are required to stand on one foot. This makes it a bit hard to stand without wobbling. However, with regular exercise, your overall balance is increased.

6. Improved Flexibility

In order to accommodate your fitness level at the time, yoga enables you to adjust the positioning of your poses accordingly. If you already are flexible, you are allowed to go deeper into many other poses. In case you are not flexible enough, your moves are made smaller but in the long run, they increase your flexibility to go further into poses.

7.  Focusing

The human mind is always full of worries, thoughts, and lists of things that need to be done. In the course of practicing yoga, your mind is trained to focus on the single task at hand. This is the pose. This focus overtime is transferred to other spectrums of life.

8. Coordinating the mind and the body

As you engage your muscles to move through all the poses, you also use the mind. Yoga provides you with the opportunity to be more aware of your own body while at the same time allowing your mind to relax. Yoga results for many individuals are the overall wellness for the mind and body.

9.  Improved breathing

As you hold the poses in yoga, controlled breathing is emphasized. Controlled breathing plays a major role in allowing you to have more control over your mind or body. This exercise can extend to the real-life situation so that in times of immense stress, controlled breathing comes in handy in keeping your emotions under control.

10.  A good posture

In order to avoid injuries, the poses in yoga require particular positioning. The increased balance and strength as well contribute to your overall posture overall.


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