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Foods For Body Building

A healthy diet for a bodybuilder should comprise the excellent foods that are capable of supplying optimal energy the entire day yet still helping them attain that physical body they desire so much. Going for the lean protein diet is thus important. Other lean proteins include turkey, tuna, shrimp, cottage powder, skim milk, protein powder, and yogurt. The right kind of complex carbohydrates can be obtained from oatmeal, beans, rice, pasta, whole grain bread, yams, and potatoes. A healthy body builder's diet is not complete without fruits and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, onions, bananas, apples, berries as well as grapefruits. Also, the diet should contain fat sources like nuts and avocado. Some of the excellent foods for bodybuilding may sound fancy and complicated. However, they are all built on simple foods as well as basic principles. If you consume the right meals, the body naturally responds accordingly. An excellent bodybuilding diet must have the following foods if not their substitutes:

1. Egg white

These have for long been considered as the best proteins bodybuilders can buy and are best paired with oatmeal. The protein can turn a simple breakfast into a power meal that can fuel the body for the rest of the day. Basically, an egg white has 99 calories, 21 g of protein as well as 2 g carbohydrates. The best part is that this meal has no fat!

2. Top round steak or London broil

Chicken breast is considered as the quintessential staple food for bodybuilding. However, lean cuts from the red meat are too loaded with a lot of protein. Four ounces of raw lean top round steak contains 138 calories in total and 24 g as well as 4 g of protein and fats respectively. Always go for a steak that is bright red in color. Otherwise, any tint of brown is an indication that it has already begun to spoil.

3. Salmon fillet

Salmon fillet consists of proteins needed for building the body and also comes with the added advantage of the unsaturated fats. Since hardcore lifters often are deficient in fats, it is important to include certain fish like salmon in your diet so as to recover the fats. Four ounces of fillet has 207 calories and 23 g of proteins per serving. Also, there is 12 g of unsaturated fat.

4. Chicken breast

Is there a bodybuilder who does not include this meal in his diet? Many of the bodybuilders eat chicken breast almost daily. Apart from it being very delicious, chicken breast is quite high in protein and low in fats. Six ounces of raw chicken breast contains 4 g of fats, 38 g of proteins, and 205 calories.

5. Sweet potatoes

Proteins alone cannot build a buff body. The carbohydrates to help in providing the energy needed for working hard. This is where sweet potatoes come in since they give the energy without necessarily overdosing your body with simple carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes are mainly used to fill out the builder's depleted muscles. A sweet potato weighing eight ounces has 240 calories in total, 55 g of carbohydrates, and 4 g of protein.

 6. Pork tenderloin

Some cuts of pork are usually low in fats yet still with the requisite protein content. Pork tenderloin is an excellent example. It is the filet pork mignon since it is the leanest as well as the most tender part of pork. It is important to have it in your diet as a bodybuilder since four ounces of it have 136 calories and 24 g protein as well as 4 g fat.
So, when you set out on a bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle, the issue of nutrition becomes the second nature automatically. Finding out which diet is best for bodybuilding requires you to select the right and best set of meals in order to incorporate a healthy eating lifestyle in your daily life. You also need to understand the science that is always behind all the food choices that we make for our bodies.


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