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Weight Gain and Pregnancy

Weight gain has turned out to be the hottest topic among women today. We are always too fat and nobody wants to consider themselves too skinny. Unfortunately, very few individuals are of the ideal weight after all the struggle to lose excess weight. Gaining weight is however paramount during pregnancy since enough nutrients are required to cater to both the baby and the mother. The growth of a baby inside a woman is what encourages the steady weight gain and the extra weight serves a specific purpose. Without the pregnancy, a woman is still bound to gain weight especially as she grows older.

  Is it mandatory to add weight during pregnancy and by how much?

Studies have already shown that even if a mother is already obese at the time of child conception, it is necessary for her to add even more weight during the pregnancy. The amount of weight gained usually is dependent on factors like height and how much the mother weighs particularly at conception time. A healthy mother with an ideal weight at the time of conception can possibly add between 25 and 35 pounds during the entire period of pregnancy. Underweight women however are expected to add a bit more weight whereas their overweight counterparts should gain slightly less. This is to means that some weight gain is normal for the support of the baby’s growth.

Reasons for gaining weight during pregnancy

In literal terms, the body of an expectant mother creates a new being during pregnancy. The new human being usually is very small but in the real sense, he or she should be between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds at the time of birth. Since the mother’s body needs to produce fluids that envelope and offer protection to the baby, the mother has to weigh a little more in compensation. What is more, there must be extra blood so as to feed the baby until his or her own system of circulation starts working. Also, there are organs in the mother’s body that develop thicker muscles to be made use of at the time of labor as well as delivery. These and other factors explain the need for an increase in weight for the mother.

What happens when there is no adequate weight gain?

Studies have revealed that mothers who eat a diet not well balanced as well as fail to eat the right amount of calories in a day are likely to give birth to children who are underweight in the sense that the children will often fall sick as well as require special medical attention in order for them to survive. Even the overweight and obese expectant mothers must make adjustments in their diet in order to include healthier meals for the baby to get proper nutrition. Starving in order to keep weight under control is harmful to both the mother and the baby.

  The best way to gain weight during pregnancy

During the initial three months of their pregnancy, a majority of women will add nearly 5 pounds in weight. This weight gain is normal. During the other trimesters, the weight increase can be about one pound per week on average until delivery. Women who are underweight should put on a few more ounces a week whereas the overweight ones may be required to gain fewer ounces less.

What matters in a healthy weight gain is the quality of the food the mother eats and not the quantity. This means that pregnant women do not need to overeat. They only need to increase their calorie intake to about 300 a day. The calories should always come from foods high in their nutritive value as required by both the mother and child.

What should expectant mothers do to ensure a healthy weight gain?

The initial adjustment is to get rid of those high fats and sugary snacks then replacing them with fresh vegetables and fruits. This is as per the recommendations of the healthcare providers, whose main job is to keep watch on your weight increase all through the pregnancy. The mother’s weight gain is like the measure of the growth and development of the baby. Of course, this measure is done alongside other equipment like ultrasounds. In case of a sudden drop or surge in the mother’s weight, the healthcare provider should be contacted as soon as possible for this may be a sign of a pregnancy complication. Pregnant mothers need therefore to eat healthy meals as well as frequently see the doctor apart from exercising regularly.


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