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Safe Weight Loss after Delivery

If you are a new mother at the moment, then you must be very eager to keep away those maternity clothes at the back of your closet. The good news is that there is no specific secret when it comes to losing weight after pregnancy. All it takes is a commitment to physical activity, a healthy diet, and most importantly patience.

1. Change your eating habits for the better

During pregnancy, most mothers usually adjust their eating habits to suit the growth and development of the baby. After delivery, the mother also needs to be on a special program for proper nutrition especially because she is breast-feeding. A wise decision is a sure way of promoting a healthy weight loss soon after pregnancy. Here are some tips to a proper diet.

Sticking to fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains

Foods that are high in fiber like fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains have enough nutrients to make a breastfeeding mother feel full for longer durations of time.

Smaller portions

Traditionally, meals are taken at particular times, for instance after breakfast there can be lunch and later supper. Instead of this, the mothers should eat smaller portions but more frequent meals. Meals should not be skipped at all costs. Frequent smaller meals should be taken only when hungry.

Avoiding temptation

You should keep your food supply healthy if you cannot resist the urge to eat a lot of junk food. Junk food is known for causing a whole lot of health problems related to weight.

2. Physical activity 

In the recent past, healthcare providers always recommended that after delivery, mothers should wait for six weeks at least after giving birth before venturing into physical activity. However, today, in case a mother exercises in the course of her pregnancy and has had a normal vaginal delivery, it is safe for her to begin exercising lightly as soon as she feels ready. In case of a complicated birth like the C-section, when to begin exercising should be determined by the recommendations of her health care provider. In the event of dizziness, pain, shortness of breath, or an increase in vaginal bleeding, the mother should stop the workout immediately for it may be an indication that the exercises are too heavy.

Here are some tips on how to exercise after childbirth:

Seeking comfort

In case a mother is still breastfeeding, it is important for her to feed the baby just before engaging in physical activity. During exercise, she should be clad in a supportive bra as well as comfortable sweating attire.

Starting slowly

A mother should first initiate her body into a gentle aerobic activity like swimming, stationary cycling, and walking. As her stamina improves, she can then gradually increase the duration as well as the intensity of her workouts. Intensive physical activity can be very dangerous at this time for some mothers are very delicate then.

Where to focus

Losing fat in the abdominals requires informed dietary changes as well as aerobic workouts, yet abdominal crunches as well as other abdominal exercises can help a mothering tone her abdominal muscles.

Including the baby

For some mothers, finding the best exercise to engage in can be difficult. Sometimes, it is very easy: take the baby for a walk daily in a baby carrier or stroller then lay him or her on your side as you stretch on the floor.

The essence of water

A physically active mother must drink adequate water before, during, and also after working out. Water is necessary for replenishing the lost fluids in the body especially during breastfeeding.

3. Setting realistic goals

A majority of mothers can lose as much as 10 pounds during childbirth. This includes the baby’s weight as well as that of the amniotic fluid and the placenta. In the course of the first week after delivery, additional weight is lost as the mother sheds the retained fluids. This implies that the weight put on during pregnancy cannot disappear on its own. Through proper dieting and physical activity, a mother can lose about a pound in a week. It may take more than six months for a mother to return to her weight before pregnancy whether she is breastfeeding or not.


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