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Is it Possible to Lose Weight by Walking

Is it Really Possible to Lose Weight by Walking? This is a question many people ask themselves. Well, the truth is that you may be amazed at what walking can do to that excess fat you have always wanted to lose. The basics of losing weight are quite simple.  It just entails burning off more calories than you consume each day. This can be achieved by increasing your body metabolism and the best way to do this is by walking regularly.

Losing weight by walking depends on a number of factors. It crucially depends on your weight, your level of fitness as well as the distance you walk. A person weighing about 170 lbs is likely to consume about 200 calories after walking a distance of 2 miles and at the speed of 2mph. Putting this another way, when you walk for about 6 hours on mixed terrain and at an average speed of 2mph, you are likely to drop off approximately 1300 calories.

Surprisingly enough, research has shown that walking faster will actually lead to better results than walking at a slower speed. And why is this?  When you walk faster your body will tend to use more muscle groups which will in turn increase the calories burnt per step. On the other hand, when you walk slower your body will be in less momentum and therefore less energy will be needed to facilitate the movement.

Whilst it is true that walking doesn't burn as much fat as jogging or other high-intensity workouts, it has been shown in numerous researches that it does work effectively especially for people who like to stay fit. Research published by an association known as the journal of the American medical association showed that walking is one of the most effective ways to burn deep abdominal fat which is one of the most dangerous fats. Another research by the University of Colorado found that individuals who walk about 2,000 steps in a day may not necessarily lose weight but may stop gaining any more weight.

So, what are the advantages of losing weight by walking as compared to other exercises? Why is it a good and successful strategy to burn off unwanted fat? Well, to begin with, walking doesn't require a lot of equipments. There are no helmets, wrenches, gloves, knee-pads required. All you need to do is lace up your shoes and you hit the road. The other thing is that it doesn't require any learning curve at all. You just have to decide how long to walk every day and at what speed.

By now you can realize what a good weight loss strategy walking can be. It is easily adaptable and can be the perfect way to keep fit by burning off some fat in your body. Though it may take a while before you notice the impact, walking regularly does guarantee you a steady way to stay fit at all times. So, it is actually true and possible that you can lose weight by walking.


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