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Developing a Six Pack with Exercises

Developing the best abdominals is not such a hard thing as long as you are patient and persistent in your 6 pack abs workout routine. You also need to have a thorough and effective workout plan and there you are! Jaws will drop and eyes will drop at the sight of your compact and perfect six-pack abs. Programs and routines for muscle-building are meant to help individuals to gain a lot of muscle and shed off fats within a short duration of time using various workouts. On average, the individuals who will earnestly and strictly follow the routine will gain 15 pounds of pure muscle after about 16 weeks. The concept in 6 pack abs workout routine is simple, but having it in action has proven to be so challenging and elusive for most people. It is you to make it work.

6 Pack Abs Workout Routine for Losing Fat

In order to lose excess fat from the body, you must have a routine that enables you to use up the calories as well as accelerate the rate at which the fats are burned through metabolism. There are up to 3,500 calories in every pound; thus, you have to manage burning 3,500 more than the amount you consume in food and drink so as to be able to get rid of weight equal to one pound. In your 6 pack abs workout routine therefore, you need to have a lot of cardiovascular workouts. These raise the rate of the heart within the specific time frame of the workout. Examples of these workouts are jogging, running, dancing, rowing as well as riding a bike. Try these 3 or 5 sessions per week for one hour.

Interval training

Excellent results can be achieved through interval training where you have short bursts of a strenuous activity which is then followed by longer durations of exercises that require low activity. Studies have shown that interval training aids in burning fat faster than longer times of exercising with the same intensity. Your body will burn more fats even when at rest as long as you have more muscle. This means that you should incorporate lifting weights in your workout routine since doing only cardiovascular exercises may make you lose a lot of muscle in your abs. Remember that as long as there is a thin layer of fat around your gigantic abdominal muscles, no one will be able to notice them.


For you to build muscle, you should have a workout routine that encompasses sit-ups including the jackknife type. Sit-ups are done by lying on the floor with the feet touching the floor. With the knees up and the hands crossed above the chest, you should sit up all the way. You can have another person to hold down your feet in the process so that you can lift the lower back and the shoulder blades as well without lifting the feet off the floor. For the effectiveness of this 6 pack abs workout routine, do not hunch your back. Lower yourself down and repeat the exercise. Jackknife sit-ups are done by lying flat on your back and placing the hands on the sides for balance. The torso and knees are then raised simultaneously so that your face and the knees meet at an imaginary line that extends to the roof from the pelvis. You can pick up your hands as your body gets used to the 6 pack abs workout routine and at the summit of the motion, you should manage to kiss the knees. Naturally, the legs will fold and thus your feet will be brought towards the hips like a jackknife. Lie flat on your back again and repeat the exercise.


In your 6 pack abs workout routine, involve some crunches by lying on the floor with arms positioned in front of the chest. Then bend the knees and raise the upper torso using the abdominal muscles towards your knees. Do not lift the entire back however since this can easily cause back strain. The most important section of crunches is the flexing of the abs at the start in the process of lifting the shoulders. As soon as you start lifting the shoulders, exhale via the mouth and end with a gasp as soon as they are off the floor. Then take a pause while at the summit of the crunch and thereafter exhale the final bit of air in your diaphragm as you flex the abs. Lower yourself slowly back down as you inhale via the nose till the blades of your shoulders touch the floor. Do not allow the head to reach the ground.  As you go on with your routine, you may find it necessary to exercise your oblique muscles. This can be done using bicycle crunches by lifting each foot simultaneously above the ground as you do the crunches. Then bring up your right knee towards the left shoulder and the left knee towards the right shoulder.

Other similar exercises to include in your workout routine are:
Abdominal  roller exercises 
Pull-ups while hanging from a strong horizontal bar
Leg lifts 
Static holds


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