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Careful, Exercise Too Can Turn Sour !

Every week, all adults should be exposed to not less than 150 minutes of exercise of moderate intensity. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This way, the adults can be assured of better health. More and more people are beginning to observe this routine and that is why it is also good to know or learn how to exercise safely. Ever heard of accidents during physical activity? Knowing how best to stay safe during workouts helps in averting injuries as well as other conditions that can bar you from engaging in physical activities in the future.

1. Warm-up and Stretch

Any time you want to exercise, you should consider a proper warm-up session or routine. This is essential in that you can minimize injuries. Before the physical activity, the muscles in the body are usually cold as well as inactive. Stressing muscles that have not been warmed up or stretched expose you to greater risks of injuries like strains, sprains, and also muscle tears. Begin your routine exercise with a light session of jogging in order to allow blood to flow to the major muscle groups freely. Thereafter, you can do a series of stretches focusing on these muscle groups. Be careful not to overdo it to the point of pain.

2. Proper equipment

Talk of exercise equipment and what crosses the minds of many are elliptical, free weights and treadmills. Equipment goes all the way to what you put on in the course of a workout. You must put on the right workout clothes especially the shoes. For instance, if you are intending to be on your feet for longer, like when running or jogging, ensure that you wear shoes that fit properly with enough cushioning. Put on loose-fitting clothes that allow you to make full-range movements. Make an effort and seek a fitness expert’s advice on how to use your workout equipment properly in the gym.

3. Take a lot of fluids

Dehydration is another cause of worry during physical activity. Losing a lot of body fluid in the body through sweat without immediate replenishment can cause dizziness and fatigue. Drinking plenty of fluids helps your body restore the lost water during workouts. In addition, you can take sports drinks since they usually contain electrolytes essential for replenishing the lost elements like sodium, calcium, and potassium.

4. Weather conditions

Most people prefer to get outside for their routine exercises instead of staying indoors in a gym. Outside is freer but sometimes, you end up exposing your body to extreme weather conditions. This can affect your safety. During hot weather conditions, take enough extra fluids since you will tend to sweat more. In cold weather, dress in layers and bundle up extremities so as to avoid frostbite.

Here are more tips on how to exercise safely:

  • Start slowly then gradually increase the duration as well as intensity.
  • Stop the workout if you have symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, light-headedness, dizziness among others.
  • Ensure that you warm up before as well as cool down after the exercise properly.
  • Do not eat as you exercise.
  • Use level and soft surfaces for the uneven and hard surfaces can easily cause foot and joint injuries. You can look out for a track, path, or grassy level field.
  • Do not go to the gym or exercise while extremely tired or unwell.
  • Use warm water to shower or bathe after the session.
  • If you are intending to exercise for a better part of the day, the alternate low intensity with high-intensity exercise to prevent fatigue and overuse injuries.


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