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Top 10 Health Benefits Of Walking

In order to stay healthy, one doesn't need to do vigorous and long periods of physical activity. A study made in 2007 shows that around 75 minutes of low-level exercise helps individuals to be significantly fit when compared to the non-exercising individuals. Walking is the most gentle, effective, and natural type of exercise accessible to almost everyone. It is also simple, safe, and do not need any practice. Moreover, its health benefits are countless. 
Before you start walking
Although there are no risks or special precautions considered while walking, one needs to wear suitable pair of walking shoes and clothes for better comfort. For the initial three days, walk only for 15-20 minutes and then progressively increase the duration. A pedometer is advised to count the steps for motivation and contentment.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking :

1. Reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension
According to a scientific study, walking regularly convalesces the blood pressure levels and body mass index (BMI) with diabetic patients. Walking also utilizes more glucose, as muscle cells need glucose for muscle movement. This even involves using more insulin, which is required to improve the blood sugar levels and low blood pressure levels mean less possibility of getting a stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.

2. Keeps a healthy heart

Walking significantly lowers cholesterol levels and lessens the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases. Walking also strengthens the heart, lungs, and muscles. A healthy heart means an increase in heart rate and supplying more blood to the whole body. Brisk walking can help burn up to 200 calories and body fat.

3. Reduces the risk or effects of cancer

Research demonstrates that in colon cancer, brisk walking gives less time for the carcinogens found in food to be in contact with intestinal lining. It even reduces the dangers of developing cancer right from the start. As walking helps in improving blood circulation, it brings positive energy in the body and consequently, minimizes the side effects associated with chemotherapy.

4. It saves the mind

Italian researchers volunteered 749 individuals suffering from memory issues in their study and calculated their moderate physical activities including walking. In the four-year follow-up, the researchers discovered that those who were indulged in walking had a 27% lesser risk of dementia than others who had less walking activity.         
5. Take fewer medicines

Another study found that those who walked for a long time showed less use of medication. This doesn't mean one should deter their shorter walks, but they should try to squeeze a longer walk in their shorter walks.
6. Live more

Walking adds longevity to life. It helps in delaying or preventing the inception of age-related health conditions.  

7. Enhances brainpower

As walking stimulates the flow of blood, it provides extra oxygen to the brain. Oxygen helps in improvising the functioning of the brain and enhanced ability to recall.

8. Improves love health

Keeping a steady habit of brisk walking improves performance while making love. With two miles of walking daily, one can boost the circulation of blood, which lessens the possibility of impotency. With simple walking sessions, he/she doesn't have to be dependent on drugs to keep their love life active.
9. Protection against miscarriages

During pregnancy, the female goes under many-body chances, and systematic walking helps in several ways. Walking reduces fatigue, lowers the dangers of gestational diabetes, loses weight, and lessens related pains.

10. Lose weight easily

An individual can lose a guaranteed 0.5 kilos every month after walking for two miles three times a week. Brisk walking for 45 minutes every day gives a slim waistline.  


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