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Top Exercises for Firming Sagging Breasts

When exercising the upper part of your body, sometimes the main aim is to enlarge as well as strengthen the muscles around and behind your breasts in order to obtain larger and less droopy breasts. Most of these exercises are known to push forward the entire breast tissue in the process. Even though practicing a good posture as well as wearing a supportive and well-fitting bra can help, the following exercise can to a larger extent firm up sagging breasts:

1. Wall-ups

In order to do wall-ups, stand about 2 feet away from a wall. Then place your hands flat against the wall such that they are level with your chest. Lean slowly towards the wall with the chest and arm muscles controlling your motion till your nose touches the wall. Push yourself back to your original position and then repeat the exercise about 15 times. In order to increase the effectiveness of this exercise, you can pause and hold to a count of 10 when you get to the leaning point where the chest muscles are stressed most.

2. Push-ups

Push-ups are not the easiest and nicest exercises to do yet they are the most effective when it comes to building the muscles right behind the breast tissue. These give the breasts a boost forward as the muscles involved tone and enlarge. This means that even without surgery, you can easily firm sagging breasts by flopping down onto your belly then pushing yourself back up by the use of the arms.

3. Pectoral push-ups

These push-ups work on the muscles around your chest thus holding up your breasts. The stronger the muscles get, the more firm the breasts become. To do pectoral push-ups, lie on the floor facing down then rise up just like in the conventional push-ups. However, you should keep your elbows as well as forearms on the ground. Hold each push up for thirty seconds then repeat at least five times.

4. Free weights

Take two dumbbells or free weights of weight 1-5 pounds each depending on how strong you are. Stand with the dumbbells with each in the hand. Hang at your side while lifting the dumbbells like a bird attempting to flap its wings. This exercise helps you build the muscle around as well as behind the breasts. This prevents them from sagging to one side when you are lying down.

5. Bench presses and weights

When you are slightly inclined, the angle, especially when lifting straight up, helps in targeting the right chest muscles hence pushing forward the breasts. You can use as little or as much weight as you are able and comfortable to lift. The presses are done by repeatedly bringing the weights down to the chest then lifting them.

6. Arm resistance workouts

Place both arms in front of you, like in a prayer pose. Bring both bands together such that your palms are flat and touching each other. Thereafter, press the palms together with the hardest you can. You should then feel the muscles around the breasts that the exercise triggers. Press together and release apart your hands a number of times to trigger this muscle in order to firm sagging breasts. Pulling your hands apart with a lot of resistance can as well bring a similar effect.

7. Good posture

When you stand upright, chest out and belly in, your breasts will look perkier and firmer compared to slouching and exhibiting a poor posture. Then why do you think young women sit up straight, thrusting out their chests whenever a guy they like walks in the room?

These muscle-building techniques do not necessarily enlarge your breasts. They neither change the feel or texture of the breasts. They leave them natural and soft like they are supposed to be. So, before opting for surgery, consider adopting a workout routine that involves the breast tissue. You will spend less that way.


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