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Showing posts from February, 2015

Top 5 Essential Body Building Supplements For Beginners

Supplements are very essential in the process of bodybuilding. It is important to however stick to the ones that have scientific support in relation to their efficacy as well as safety. It is typical for beginners to be impressively impatient and equally enthusiastic when they start training for the first time. This leads them to explore the various supplements in the market. The wide variety to choose from as well as too many so-called experts with a claim of having the best product can easily confuse the beginners. In the long run, the trainees end up buying fake supplements very expensively with no results at all. Here are some of the top-rated supplements for beginners in bodybuilding:- 1. Protein Supplements that add protein to your diet are rated highly. There have been lots of studies done with a mixture of results with regard to improving muscular strength as well as size in the course of resistance training programs. It has been established that additional protein can

Easy exercises that Increase Blood Circulation

The exercises meant for increasing blood circulation in the body are designed to eliminate varicose veins, numbness as well as tingling sensations. Health Guidance recommends that you should work towards increasing your blood circulation in order to transfer nutrients as well as oxygen to other parts of the body faster. The exercises meant to boost blood circulation vary from simple leg stretches to complete body workout schedules. 1. Head and shoulder workouts These are designed specifically to help improve the flow of blood to the shoulder region as well as the neck. Begin by standing straight with the knees bent slightly and the legs apart, the width of shoulders.  Then, turn the head to your right as far as possible ensuring that your entire body stays straight ahead. Before doing the same on the other side, hold for some seconds. During the workout, try pointing the nose toward the shoulder. 2. Calf raises These exercises help in increasing the flow of blood in t

How To Exercise Your Brain

It is very easy to exercise your physical body and so far most of us do it regularly almost like it is required. However, some of us are not even aware that our brain needs exercise as well. It is as important as exercising the rest of the body. The brain improves as well as grows whenever it has interaction with the outside world. The human brain can adapt to a person’s life. At old age, it can even grow brand new neurons. Just like the rest of your body, you should use the brain muscle, or else you will lose it. Some of the basic activities you can engage in in order to improve the brain include the ones explained below. 1. Physical activity In order to avoid both physical and cognitive decline, it is important to participate in physical activity. There is no enough exercise when it comes to the matters of keeping the body and mind alive as well as healthy. As individuals go through various stages of life, they should vary their physical activity. For instance, if you d

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling can be a lot of fun in many ways other than being just a mode of human transport. Some people like cycling up burly hills whereas others love it as a sporting activity. In addition, cycling is among the best all-around activities that help us improve our health. Pedaling requires a lot of effort and at times people find it slow as a mode of transport as well as painful. However, the positive aspects of riding a bicycle should give you a reason to give it a try. 1. Full body fitness Cycling is an activity that engages the whole body and more so the lower part of our bodies. Individuals striving to develop amazing hips, legs as well as glute muscle tone should embrace cycling since this workout as well as trims the waist. This is the reason why you can never miss a bike in any fitness center. 2. Heart health Among the most popular kinds of exercises, cycling is rated second after running. It is an extremely well-rounded physical activity that helps in cardiovascular h

Is it Possible to Lose Weight by Walking

Is it Really Possible to Lose Weight by Walking? This is a question many people ask themselves. Well, the truth is that you may be amazed at what walking can do to that excess fat you have always wanted to lose. The basics of losing weight are quite simple.  It just entails burning off more calories than you consume each day. This can be achieved by increasing your body metabolism and the best way to do this is by walking regularly. Losing weight by walking depends on a number of factors. It crucially depends on your weight, your level of fitness as well as the distance you walk. A person weighing about 170 lbs is likely to consume about 200 calories after walking a distance of 2 miles and at the speed of 2mph. Putting this another way, when you walk for about 6 hours on mixed terrain and at an average speed of 2mph, you are likely to drop off approximately 1300 calories. Surprisingly enough, research has shown that walking faster will actually lead to better results tha

7 Tips for better sleep

In order to maintain good health, it is important that one sleeps enough. Good sleep ensures that one takes rest so that they are able to wake up fresh the next day and do their work without any problems. If you get good sleep, then it will be of more benefit. But how do you ensure that you have a good night's sleep? Here are some 7 tips for better sleep which everyone needs to know:- 1. Good sleeping schedule Just like your working schedule, anyone who wants to get a good sleep must first schedule the hours on which to sleep. This will help in training your body to rest appropriately. One must have a set bedtime rest hour. 2. Employ some good bedtime routines One of the best tips to get better sleep is to use some routines. For example, before you go to bed, you can first have a soothing and soaking warm shower then read a book before retiring to bed. If you employ such routines in a room that is dark every day, then you will be separating the activities that

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Walking

In order to stay healthy, one doesn't need to do vigorous and long periods of physical activity. A study made in 2007 shows that around 75 minutes of low-level exercise helps individuals to be significantly fit when compared to the non-exercising individuals. Walking is the most gentle, effective, and natural type of exercise accessible to almost everyone. It is also simple, safe, and do not need any practice. Moreover, its health benefits are countless.  Before you start walking Although there are no risks or special precautions considered while walking, one needs to wear suitable pair of walking shoes and clothes for better comfort. For the initial three days, walk only for 15-20 minutes and then progressively increase the duration. A pedometer is advised to count the steps for motivation and contentment. Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking : 1. Reduces the risk of diabetes and hypertension According to a scientific study, walking regularly convalesces the blood

Foods For Body Building

A healthy diet for a bodybuilder should comprise the excellent foods that are capable of supplying optimal energy the entire day yet still helping them attain that physical body they desire so much. Going for the lean protein diet is thus important. Other lean proteins include turkey, tuna, shrimp, cottage powder, skim milk, protein powder, and yogurt. The right kind of complex carbohydrates can be obtained from oatmeal, beans, rice, pasta, whole grain bread, yams, and potatoes. A healthy body builder's diet is not complete without fruits and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, onions, bananas, apples, berries as well as grapefruits. Also, the diet should contain fat sources like nuts and avocado. Some of the excellent foods for bodybuilding may sound fancy and complicated. However, they are all built on simple foods as well as basic principles. If you consume the right meals, the body naturally responds accordingly. An excellent bodybuilding diet must have the following foods if

Top 10 Health Benefits of Swimming

Indulging in regular swimming is one of the ways of adopting a healthy lifestyle. Swimming regularly can give anyone and particularly adults a wide variety of health benefits among them a feeling of youthfulness. The top ten health benefits of swimming include the following: 1. Swimming less but doing more Swimming is the only exercise that enables you to engage every part of your body without putting so much pressure on the skeletal system. Any time our bodies are underwater, they become lighter automatically. When the bodies are immersed in the water up to the waist, they bear only half of the total weight. Thus, swimming is the best approach to exercise especially for those with stiff muscles as well as sore joints. It is mainly recommended for those with arthritis. 2. Better strength and muscle tone Swimming is considered an excellent way of increasing your muscle strength as well as tone. Compared to other exercises or workouts, swimming is a better resistance exer

Top 15 Health Benefits of Aerobics

When you think of health and fitness, one of the first things that probably come to your mind is aerobics. Aerobic activity is good for you no matter how old you are, no matter what your aesthetic ability or weight. If you want to get fitter and stronger, then performing aerobic exercise regularly is a good idea. Similarly, aerobic exercise can also help you lose weight and tone muscles, however, at the same time, it also offers a myriad of other health benefits as well. If you want to become healthier and live a healthy life to the fullest, then consider the following 15 health benefits of aerobic exercise. 1. Maintain your weight: You can lose excess pounds and maintain a healthy weight by performing aerobic exercise on a regular basis, especially if you combine a healthy diet with it. 2. Increase your stamina: In the short term, you may feel a bit tired after performing aerobic exercise. However, performing aerobics regularly will increase your stamina and reduce f

How much calories we burn by walking

One of the best ways of exercising is walking. All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes as well as suitable clothes for the weather.  The sum total of calories burned during walking depends entirely on two things: terrain and speed. Terrain In a perfect weather condition, on average, a person weighing 150lb and of an average build will burn up to 136 calories an hour. However, the same person walking uphill in harsh weather conditions like in the snow will burn around 400 calories per hour. Speed On average, a walking stroll is usually not more than 2 mph. This way, you burn about 136 calories an hour. If the speed is increased to let's say 3.5 mph, your body will burn more calories at 238 calories. Walking more briskly, like jogging will help you burn over 544 calories an hour. In addition, backpacking can increase the number of calories your burn at a given speed.

What to Drink When You Exercise

Most of us prefer cold water when we are thirsty. What to drink when exercising is however not just water especially when the water can be flavored. As long as these cold beverages keep us from dehydration and that they do not contain any harmful substances to our bodies, they are excellent in quenching thirst after a workout. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine promotes flavored drinks rather than water for fluid replacement during or after physical activity in order to enhance palatability as well. You do not need to wait till you feel thirsty in order to take a drink. Any time you sweat while exercising, you lose a lot of body fluids and thus the need to replenish the lost fluids. What to drink when you exercise include the following: 1. Vitamin or fortified Water These will definitely help you add electrolytes in order for your body to recover after rigorous physical activity. There are some sweeteners that may be added to the vitamin water and the expert

Careful, Exercise Too Can Turn Sour !

Every week, all adults should be exposed to not less than 150 minutes of exercise of moderate intensity. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This way, the adults can be assured of better health. More and more people are beginning to observe this routine and that is why it is also good to know or learn how to exercise safely. Ever heard of accidents during physical activity? Knowing how best to stay safe during workouts helps in averting injuries as well as other conditions that can bar you from engaging in physical activities in the future. 1. Warm-up and Stretch Any time you want to exercise, you should consider a proper warm-up session or routine. This is essential in that you can minimize injuries. Before the physical activity, the muscles in the body are usually cold as well as inactive. Stressing muscles that have not been warmed up or stretched expose you to greater risks of injuries like strains, sprains, and also muscle tears. Begin you