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Types and Causes of Depression

Because of the normal ups and downs, everyone gets sad some times. However, if this feeling of emptiness and despair is left to linger for long, the results can be adversely leading to depression. Depression makes it very hard for your body to function normally. Getting over it can sometimes be very overwhelming. The first measure to take is to understand the signs, symptoms, causes as well as how depression can be treated. There are four main types of depression that take numerous and unique shapes and forms. The types of depression depict unique causes, symptoms and effects as well.

1. Major depression

Major depression is mainly characterised by an inability to experience pleasure as well as enjoy life. The signs and symptoms of major depression are constant and they range between moderate and severe.  If not treated, major depression can last for nearly 6 months. Most people will experience just one depression in a lifetime even though it is a recurring condition. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do in order to boost your mood in order to lower its risk of recurrence.

2. Dysthymia

It is a mild recurrent depression. Often, you will feel moderately depressed though after some time you can experience short periods of your normal mood. Dysthymia symptoms are less strong compared to the major depression. However, they tend to last longer and can go up to two years at least. They have chronic symptoms that make it hard for the individual to live their lives to the fullest. Dysthymia can be treated medically even after the symptoms have not been recognized or treated for years.

3. Seasonal affective disorder

The main reason why a number of movies and books depict stormy weather and rainy days as gloomy is that they appear so. Some individuals can experience depression during winter when sunlight is very limited and the overcast days are so frequent. This is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It is more common in the northern climates as well as in younger people. It is often treated using light therapy.

4. Bipolar Disorder

It is often referred to as manic depression and features cycling mood swings. The episodes of depression will often alternate with the manic episodes. These can be impulsive behaviour, rapid speech, hyperactivity, and also lack of sleep. The switch to another mood is typically gradual and the manic episodes can last for as long as several weeks. An individual with bipolar depression will exhibit the normal symptoms of a major depression whenever he is depressed. Treatment of this type of depression is a bit different since antidepressants can easily make it worse.

A number of factors can increase your risk of being depressed and they include the ones listed below:

• Some medications

Some drugs, for example, those that are used on patients with high blood pressure may increase the risk of getting depressed. They include reserpine and beta-blockers.

• Abuse

Past instances of abuse can result in stress later in life. Abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual.

• Genetics

Members of a family with a history of depression are at a higher risk of being depressed. Depression has been thought to be passed genetically like other health conditions from generation to generation.

• Conflict

Personal conflicts, as well as disputes with other people, make you more vulnerable to depression especially if you lack proper skills involving problem-solving.

• Death or loss of a loved one

Sorrow, grief, or sadness that engulfs us when we lose a person we love can result in depression. This cause of depression is natural and thus everyone goes through once in a while.

• Drug and substance abuse

Almost 30 per cent of people who abuse drugs have clinical or major depression. Some of these individuals do so thinking that they are solving the problem at hand.

• Major events

Good events like graduating, beginning a new job or getting married can easily bring about stress. Same applies to bad experiences and events such as losing a job, retiring or getting divorced.

Who is most likely to suffer depression?

All of us are essentially at risk of developing depression. Individuals of all races, ages as well as a social class can suffer clinical depression since no one is absolutely immune to it. However, there are some risk factors that make some people more vulnerable to depression than others. These include:

• Gender

According to recent studies, women are nearly twice likely to have major depression as men. About 25 per cent and 12 per cent of women and men will have a serious depression once in their lifetime respectively. Even at adolescent, girls tend to register more cases of depression compared to boys.

• Age factor

Most likely, clinical depression will occur when an individual is between 20 and 50 for the first time. Individuals above 65, however, are very vulnerable.

• Heredity

Individuals who have had members of their family go through clinical depression are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Also, those whose close relatives have bipolar disorder have greater chances of developing depression.


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