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15 Tips To Deal With Anxiety

Whenever something awful happens to us, we have a bad feeling caused by anxiety. An anxiety attack is an acute reaction to stress. Even when the attack is not severe, anxiety leaves us apprehensive, uncertain as well as fearful. This can result in an individual being paralyzed into inaction or withdrawal. Symptoms of an anxiety disorder include a fast heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, rapid breathing, and a decrease in the intestinal flow which can result in diarrhea or nausea. An anxious person also has increased muscle tension. Even though anxiety disorder can get serious enough to require therapy and medication, an individual can learn how to manage stress and anxiety in their own way.

1. Time to exercise

Anxiety brings a feeling that you cannot breathe. There is no better therapy for this feeling than exercise. This is the time to grab your gym bag or get out a touring bicycle so as to get your blood moving and endorphins pumping.

2. No caffeinated drinks

When anxious, it is recommended to avoid caffeinated drinks, food, or medication. Sources of caffeine are chocolate, beverages like tea, coffee, soda as well medication such as Excedrin. Caffeine adds to tension and anxiety.

3. Avoid annoying conversations

Do not get into a conversation that can potentially increase your anxiety especially when overwhelmed, tired, or stressed. Be relaxed especially before going to bed.

4. Sleep

A soothing sound for instance from a white-noise machine can help you fall and stay asleep as well. Whenever you are anxious and stressed, it is important to have a good night's sleep since lack of sleep brings about anxiety even as anxiety results in a lack of sleep.

5. Put it on paper

Sit down and focus on what makes you anxious. You can then write down all the fears on all that make you anxious marking each fear on a scale of 1 to 10. You will be shocked at how few of them will be above 5. With this understanding, your anxiety is reduced.

6. Laughter

When faced with a lot of anxiety, you can watch a comedy so as to let yourself laugh out. Laughter stimulates endorphins that help in getting rid of the stress hormones out of the system.

7. Everybody has troubles

If you turn on the news and watch the disasters unfold, you will realize that this is a world full of both triumph and disaster. In a world context, your challenges may not seem as great as you view them.

8. It is not yet time to cross the bridge

Do not worry about future concerns. Many of us always predict our future troubles and hence we become anxious. If there is nothing you can do about these problems at the moment, then it is wise to revisit it later.

9. Get used to anxiety

It takes about 45 minutes to experience anxiety and get used to it. The feeling of anxiety then dissipates. Do not push it down since anxiety often fights back when ignored.

10. Evaluate your failures and successes

Always remind yourself of how you have in the past mishandled situations of anxiety. Look for your strengths and how long it may take you to get through the anxiety. Show yourself that anxiety is a manageable feeling and is time-limited.

11. Hobbies

When you have a feeling of anxiety, resort to your hobby. You can visit the museum, read a nice book, watch a movie or do some painting. Bored people score higher on tests on the levels of anxiety.

12. The unknown

The unknown is the most anxiety-producing thing of all. That is why you must take your worries out of the shadows. When you are aware of your real fears, they become less menacing compared to when they are unknown.

13. Diet

When anxious, eating a lot of whole grains, vegetables as well as fruits every day alongside healthy sources of proteins like poultry, fish, soy, lentils or lean meats is helpful. This combination helps the brain to manufacture serotonin, which in turn induces calmness and relaxation.

14. Share with close friends

Share with a friend in case you are overwhelmed with anxiety. A friend will help you understand the reason as to why you worry a lot.

15. Keep a journal

If you keep track of all things that make you anxious in a journal, you understand yourself better. You can go through the journal while you are relaxed and calm so as to develop better ways of dealing with anxiety next time.


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