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5 Key Factors That Affect Mental Health

Excellent mental health goes way beyond the absence of mental illness. Our mental health is influenced usually by human factors that can either be internal or external. Both can result in mental disturbances as well as illnesses. The internal factors come from within an individual himself in terms of descent, character or talent. The external factors, on the other hand, come from the surroundings. They can be political, social, religious, legal, cultural to mention but a few. If you want to prevent or get rid of mental problems, you need to fully understand the factors that lead to such problems.

1. Self-esteem and self-confidence

Self Confidence The value a person places on himself, his positive self-image, as well as a sense of self-worth, affects him mentally. Unlike individuals with low self-esteem, those with higher self-esteem will generally have a positive outlook for they are satisfied with themselves constantly. That is why it is important to find out your unique qualities and traits as well as have all it takes to face life’s challenges. Young individuals who are raised with a lot of emphasis on confidence in themselves are much more likely to adopt a positive attitude towards themselves leading to a happier and more productive life.

2. Abuse or Violence

Victims of various forms of abuses are more likely to encounter mental problems such as illnesses or disorders. Forms of abuses do vary. They include sexual, physical as well as psychological abuses. Unlike physical abuse, the other two cannot be recognized easily. In case of violence amounting to physical abuse, you can observe wounds, bruises, scratches as well as swellings on the victim. All the three forms of violence or abuse, however, lead to a lowered self-esteem and self-confidence apart from other consequences such as severe anger and depression. These later transform into mental deficiencies is not well taken care of.

3. Broken families Broken Family

Sometimes, we never realize the importance of family until something wrong happens and there is no more family. The effects of a broken family are far-reaching since they can greatly affect our health mentally. A family can break as a result of divorce or separation or, it can be as a result of the death of one of the family members. Anyone who experiences a family break up is left frustrated and devastated leading to severe loneliness as well as depression. When such feelings accumulate in the person’s mind, they result in mental problems such as disturbances and illnesses. The best way out of it is finding ways to cope with the devastating situation.

4. Diseases and physical ill-health

There are some ailments that can affect a person’s mental health adversely. For instance, as a result of an accident, you can get brain injuries or even brain damage as a result of a disease. Even those who abuse drugs and are heavily addicted can suffer from brain disturbances. Such experiences can cause a lot of mental changes or even worse.

5. Bad or difficult behaviour

Bad Behaviour There are two ways in which people deal with unhappiness: they internalize it or act it out. Acting out is usually considered difficult behaviour since it leads to being aggressive, using abusive language, being violent, stealing, damaging property, lying, being adamant to comply to expectations and requests or displaying some other unpleasant and inappropriate actions. This interferes with our mental health and if such behaviour becomes extreme and persistent, the individual will need a lot of professional help.

Everyone at some point in his life encounters some downs. Our ability to handle and overcome negative experiences varies from person to person and it determines to a large extent whether we are enjoying our lives or not.


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