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What Are The Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety may best be defined by its somatic and emotional nature. It is a behavioral behavior where the victim experiences unnecessary worries and have feelings of imminent fear. It might be unclear what the patients fear, but the feeling just arises. Anxiety has very many symptoms and these vary from person to person. Although we have the same body systems, chemical substances vary from person to person and this may account for the various symptoms different individuals may experience. Different people have different levels of immunity and thus various symptoms manifest differently to various persons. The number of occurrences or frequency of appearance of these symptoms also varies among different people. The most common symptoms can be classified to emotional and general body symptoms. They have been discussed below.

Emotional symptoms

These are the most common symptoms of anxiety. When is facing anxiety, the chemical imbalance in the body elicits different behavioral changes. The victims have a wife's feeling of fear. There may be nothing to fear about but the feeling just arises. Also, the victims have a general fear of what people think about them. Some patients have experienced feelings of imminent bad things. They believe something destructive is just about to happen, with no real course. Victims are often overwhelmed by their situation. They lose control and cannot be in the right state of mind. They fear to die. The feeling of bad things to come may also make one they are likely to die or pass out soon. This often causes the victims to lose control of themselves. The victims always shy from doing some things because of the fear of making mistakes. This accounts for the general inactivity that may be witnessed among some patients. Victims of anxiety always want to be alone. Antisocial behavior makes them sit in isolated places. Most tend to sit near exits. The concentration of people facing anxiety is very low and they can hardly complete tasking activities. This is because of a restless state of mind. These symptoms affect different victims and they develop different magnitudes of stress.

General body disorders

Victims of anxiety may experience a large number of body disorders. One may sow just one or a number of these disorders. The body develops an allergy to some substances it was not allergic to before. Some patients face skin bleaching and their skins become pale. In addition to this, some experience pains in their skin. The body tends to shake abnormally among some victims. Body temperatures show wide variations from normal. The temperatures may either rise or fall. The burning sensation is experienced by some people. A number of victims develop urinary related problems and even prostate infections. Nausea and vomiting is a common symptom. Night sweats and even feeling fever at night may be experienced by some patients. 

Chest disorders

Some victims have reported cases of chest tremors. Chest pains may also be experienced among different people. The victims feel as if they are forcing themselves to breathe. One's heart seems to be palpitating and may even skip bits. 

Head disorders

Victims have often reported cases of brain fog. They develop tight scalping in their heads. One may feel dizzy as well. Headaches, hair loss, numbness, stabbing pain, and sore jaws are other symptoms various victims may face.

Hearing disorders

Some victims have always reported cases of ringing ears, low rumbling sounds, tickling in the ears and even pulsing it the ears

These symptoms need to be watched and victims are always advised to seek medical and professional assistance when they face them.


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