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How much sleep a elderly person needs

Naturally, sleeping time decreases with age. Most of the earlier studies have indicated that sleep reduction is a result of age-related problems such as health issues, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. However, it has been discovered that a decrease in sleep at old age is part of aging and not a result of dysfunction. Although older adults may not get enough sleep as required because it can take them as long as 30 minutes to fall asleep, the elderly individuals require 7 to 9 hours of sleep just like the younger adults. Generally, everyone needs a good night's sleep at the end of it all. We all need good sleep each day in order to restore the energy levels in our bodies. Without adequate and restful sleep, not only do we become inattentive, but also become irritable and grumpy. Just like water and food, enough sleep is vital for a healthy life.

What Are The Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety may best be defined by its somatic and emotional nature. It is a behavioral behavior where the victim experiences unnecessary worries and have feelings of imminent fear. It might be unclear what the patients fear, but the feeling just arises. Anxiety has very many symptoms and these vary from person to person. Although we have the same body systems, chemical substances vary from person to person and this may account for the various symptoms different individuals may experience. Different people have different levels of immunity and thus various symptoms manifest differently to various persons. The number of occurrences or frequency of appearance of these symptoms also varies among different people. The most common symptoms can be classified to emotional and general body symptoms. They have been discussed below. Emotional symptoms These are the most common symptoms of anxiety. When is facing anxiety, the chemical imbalance in the body elicits different behavioral change

15 Tips To Deal With Anxiety

Whenever something awful happens to us, we have a bad feeling caused by anxiety. An anxiety attack is an acute reaction to stress. Even when the attack is not severe, anxiety leaves us apprehensive, uncertain as well as fearful. This can result in an individual being paralyzed into inaction or withdrawal. Symptoms of an anxiety disorder include a fast heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, rapid breathing, and a decrease in the intestinal flow which can result in diarrhea or nausea. An anxious person also has increased muscle tension. Even though anxiety disorder can get serious enough to require therapy and medication, an individual can learn how to manage stress and anxiety in their own way. 1. Time to exercise Anxiety brings a feeling that you cannot breathe. There is no better therapy for this feeling than exercise. This is the time to grab your gym bag or get out a touring bicycle so as to get your blood moving and endorphins pumping. 2. No caffeinated drinks When anxious

Types and Causes of Depression

Because of the normal ups and downs, everyone gets sad some times. However, if this feeling of emptiness and despair is left to linger for long, the results can be adversely leading to depression. Depression makes it very hard for your body to function normally. Getting over it can sometimes be very overwhelming. The first measure to take is to understand the signs, symptoms, causes as well as how depression can be treated. There are four main types of depression that take numerous and unique shapes and forms. The types of depression depict unique causes, symptoms and effects as well. 1. Major depression Major depression is mainly characterised by an inability to experience pleasure as well as enjoy life. The signs and symptoms of major depression are constant and they range between moderate and severe.  If not treated, major depression can last for nearly 6 months. Most people will experience just one depression in a lifetime even though it is a recurring condition. Th

5 Key Factors That Affect Mental Health

Excellent mental health goes way beyond the absence of mental illness. Our mental health is influenced usually by human factors that can either be internal or external. Both can result in mental disturbances as well as illnesses. The internal factors come from within an individual himself in terms of descent, character or talent. The external factors, on the other hand, come from the surroundings. They can be political, social, religious, legal, cultural to mention but a few. If you want to prevent or get rid of mental problems, you need to fully understand the factors that lead to such problems. 1. Self-esteem and self-confidence Self Confidence The value a person places on himself, his positive self-image, as well as a sense of self-worth, affects him mentally. Unlike individuals with low self-esteem, those with higher self-esteem will generally have a positive outlook for they are satisfied with themselves constantly. That is why it is important to find out your unique qua

Before You Start GM Diet Plan

As you are making plans to begin a diet plan like the General Motors (GM) Diet, be ready to deal with both negative and positive changes or outcomes that are brought about by the diet plan. Know what considerations you need to make and find out whether it is the right and befitting diet plan for you. It is very essential to keep in touch with your nutritionist or doctor so that they can help you understand whether the diet plan will work for you. The following are points to take into consideration before you start GM Diet plan:- Lasts for 7 days only : Always bear in mind that the GM diet plan has short term weight loss goals. This plan will work for you if at all you are planning to cut weight and be slimmer only for a short period of time probably just for an event or any other personal reasons. Gm diet plan will only take you 7 days to cut some weight. Once you follow its guidelines correctly, it will work for you like a magic charm. Only remember that the side effect is

Is GM Diet Plan a Crash Diet

Many individuals desire slim and fit bodies using a healthy diet. Many of us still end up eating too much fast food each day since there is so much work to be done in our places of work that we compromise our health and nutrition. Within no time, we realize that we have put on a lot of weight and start seeking and quick easy ways of getting rid of the extra weight. We turn to crash diets. So we ask ourselves, is GM diet plan a crash diet? Understanding Crash Diet : A crash diet is referred to a regimen extreme in its withdrawal of nutritive values by limiting the consumption of calories harshly. This is done to achieve a fast weight loss through total starvation or very minimal food consumption. A crash program lasts at most for a few weeks and lacks appropriate nourishment. A crash program is also known as a fad diet and is always seen as a quick fix results-oriented regime. It is not a healthy exercise. Neither is it effective for long term weight loss achievement since

Benefits of GM Diet Plan over Other Diet Plans

GM diet plan may have become the most popular diet plan as this diet plan may help to reduce 10 to 17 pounds off for only one week. The GM diet plan, unlike any other weight loss diet plans that are popular as of today, has been tested by a well known General Motors. It is found out that it really is effective in losing weight. If you are still skeptical over the whole process then here are some of the benefits of GM diet plan over other diet programs. You Do not need to Combine the GM Diet with Workouts As the dieter goes further into the diet plan, it is a fact that the diet regimen doesn’t technically push their dieters to go through workouts and exercises as the whole diet plan doesn’t require any amounts of physical activities to burn fats. This is one of the benefits of the GM diet plan over other diet programs; this is very much beneficial for those people that tend to quit their weight loss programs because of the difficulties experienced during exercises and workouts

Losing Weight with Fat Burning Foods

Losing weight is the single-most desired fitness goal, but many people struggle with shedding the extra pounds. While some people are blessed with a body that just naturally burns extra fats, others may find it a bit more difficult to maintain their optimal shape and weight. The secret to losing weight the natural way (and not through crash and starvation diets that end miserably) is balance. This balance includes a great mix of the right food, exercise, and mental attitude. As per general motors diet research, Just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself. If you want to lose weight, the most ideal way is to lose it naturally. This way, you will not be shedding and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over again in a vicious cycle. There are several foods that are considered   fat burning   which is due to their thermogenic properties. This means that these foods produce a large amount of heat when digested by the body. These thermogenic pro


                                        On some diet plans, pills are recommended that have stimulants as the active ingredients.  Stimulants do indeed suppress appetite but they also tend to, well, stimulate the entire body.  This may result in spectacular highs where you seem to have boundless energy for a few hours?? and then just as suddenly? you find yourself too tired to even think, let alone move!  Other diet plans may not advise special pills made from stimulants, but they will ask that you limit caloric intake to the point of exhaustion.  But is fatigue an issue on the GM diet? Unfortunately, this is a complicated question to answer because there are several potential causes of fatigue.  One of the reasons many of us chose the GM diet was because we were tired of being tired all the time.  Overeating is a very common cause of fatigue.  We have all had a large supper and found ourselves wanting to doze off afterward.  Oddly enough, underrating or starving yoursel