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Losing Weight with Fat Burning Foods

Losing weight is the single-most desired fitness goal, but many people struggle with shedding the extra pounds. While some people are blessed with a body that just naturally burns extra fats, others may find it a bit more difficult to maintain their optimal shape and weight. The secret to losing weight the natural way (and not through crash and starvation diets that end miserably) is balance. This balance includes a great mix of the right food, exercise, and mental attitude.

As per general motors diet research, Just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself. If you want to lose weight, the most ideal way is to lose it naturally. This way, you will not be shedding and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over again in a vicious cycle. There are several foods that are considered fat burning which is due to their thermogenic properties. This means that these foods produce a large amount of heat when digested by the body. These thermogenic properties come from several special substances present in food which can be acquired either by eating the food or taking supplements which contain its extracts.

What you need to Remember About Dieting and Diet Pills

It is important to realize that the only way these fat burning foods and supplements can work is if you pair it with a balanced intake of food accompanied with exercise. Don’t expect to lose weight if you continue to indulge your cravings and not do any exercise. Fat burning foods and supplements do not directly make you lose weight; instead they help you lose weight by providing a functional and healthy metabolic environment in your body necessary to shed actual pounds.

How Fat Burning Foods and Pills Actually Work
As mentioned earlier, fat burning foods work because they are usually thermogenic in nature, which means that they produce a significant amount of heat when being digested. You will notice that most of these foods are either very protein-rich or are rich in fatty acids. Proteins are very thermogenic. In fact, protein uses 30 percent of its own energy to digest itself. Diet pills rich in proteins and fiber are known to be some of the most efficient diet pills on the market.
Fat burning foods are also rich in certain fats. However, these fats are the “good fats”. These are the fatty acids which your body cannot directly produce by itself. Hence, it is waiting for physical intake to obtain these necessary substances. If your body doesn’t get enough of these vital fatty acids, your body will signal you to be hungry more often in the hopes you take in what the body is looking for. If you eat foods rich in these essential fatty acids, your body will basically feel that it has enough fats through food intake, and that it can release whatever extra fat it is currently storing. Hence, fat releasing foods or pills containing fat releasing substances are necessary to promote a vigorous and healthy metabolic environment in your body.

Examples of Foods with Fat Burning Properties

There is a reason why so many diet supplements are made of fruit extracts. Most fruits are filled with fat-burning properties and fatty acids that strengthen the body’s metabolism. Also, most fruits curb your appetite and cravings. Examples of some power fruits include:
  • Blackberries – contain Omega-3, antioxidants, lots of fibers and almost all vitamins.
  • Oranges – contain Vitamin C which aids in the fat-releasing process.
  • Apples – one apple contains 15 percent of your daily fiber needs.
  • Bananas – contains resistant starch, which is a healthy carbohydrate ideal for losing weight.
  • Pineapples – contain bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps the digestion process.
Protein-Rich Foods

As mentioned above, proteins are very thermogenic, which means they produce heat when digested by the body. Protein-rich foods also provide a high level of satiety, which means that you feel full and satisfied after a meal. According to research, people who regularly eat protein-rich foods are less bothered with hunger pangs and generally don’t feel as hungry as those who don’t eat protein-rich foods.


Fish contains high amounts of DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid. Our body cannot directly produce this vital substance; hence, eating fish eases the process for your body. The great thing about fish is that it makes you feel full after a decent portion yet doesn’t give you a heavy or bloated feeling.

Nuts are a great source of protein and fatty acids which your body cannot produce on its own. Nuts also provide a great filling effect and are an excellent snack and source of protein. Vegans and vegetarians are encouraged to eat nuts as source of protein.

More on Diet Pills

There are so many diet pills on the market today, parading to be the ultimate secret to weight loss. While many of them may not be as effective, there are handfuls that are proven to somehow deliver what they are promising. According to research, the following possess either a Natural Standard Grade A or B:

Hydroxycitrate, Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA- HCA is extracted from the rind of a dried fruit, specifically the Garcinia Cambodia and the Southeast Asian brindal berry. HCA is known to reduce fat absorption, strengthen metabolism and curb feeling of hunger.

Whey Protein- This easily digestible protein contains high levels of the amino acid, cysteine which aids in fat burning and muscle building.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA- Aside from possibly possessing anticancer properties, CLA is an Omega-3 fatty acid that seems to help in weight loss.

Mango Seed Fiber- Specifically from the African mango, this natural antibiotic and painkiller is believed to be a great supplement for weight loss.

Glucomannan- Highly effective for blood sugar control and diabetes, this is extracted from an Asian plant called, Konjac and is also believed to possess weight loss properties.

Chitosan- Extracted from the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans, this fiber is believed to lessen the absorption of fats.

Beta Glucan- Derived from algae, mushrooms and yeasts, beta glucan is known to lower cholesterol and help prevent weight gain.


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