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Is GM Diet Plan a Crash Diet

Many individuals desire slim and fit bodies using a healthy diet. Many of us still end up eating too much fast food each day since there is so much work to be done in our places of work that we compromise our health and nutrition. Within no time, we realize that we have put on a lot of weight and start seeking and quick easy ways of getting rid of the extra weight. We turn to crash diets. So we ask ourselves, is GM diet plan a crash diet?

Understanding Crash Diet :

A crash diet is referred to a regimen extreme in its withdrawal of nutritive values by limiting the consumption of calories harshly. This is done to achieve a fast weight loss through total starvation or very minimal food consumption. A crash program lasts at most for a few weeks and lacks appropriate nourishment. A crash program is also known as a fad diet and is always seen as a quick fix results-oriented regime. It is not a healthy exercise. Neither is it effective for long term weight loss achievement since it reduces the basal metabolic rate. When the rate is slowed down, the body reacts by seeking to jam all the calories making weight loss tough gradually. This lost weight is recovered pretty fast in a few weeks after the individual reverts to the initial pre-crash diet. This creates a vicious cycle since the weight recovered is always more than what was lost making the individual take up the crash diet once more.

Understanding GM Diet Plan :

General Motor (GM) Diet is a regime that will help you lose 10 to 17 lbs in just a week with its exclusive support in the diet blueprint. When you lose weight, there comes an extra feeling of satisfaction due to the outcome. Your body transforms positively making you look good with an excellent experience. A healthy body weight improves your mental state as well as attitude towards all aspects of life. GM diet will also cleanse and detoxify the body. Those who follow this diet once in every six months primarily detoxify and cleanse their bodies rather than lose weight.

Effects of Crash Diet (Fed Diet) :

You need to comprehend fully the effects of a crash diet program. Many people fall victim to these fad diets when its summertime and they want to foreground their fit and slim bodies rather than exposing saggy and sun-starved bodies in bikinis. So many individuals will be lured into crash diets because of their great potential in weight loss within a short span of time. But if thought about sensibly, these fad programs are short term due to the fact that they rely on cabbage, egg, unlimited protein portions, and other restricted range foods. Therefore one eats less to reduce calorie and fat consumption.

The following are the most probable changes that your body will experience while following a low-calorie consumption diet:-

1. The body uses up the simple carbohydrate called glycogen which is stored in the muscles and the liver. Since glycogen is stored in water, when it is used up, you end up losing a few pounds in terms of water weight.

2. As soon as all the stored carbohydrates have been used up, the body sets itself in the hunger mode where it uses the proteins in the muscles as a central energy source. Toxic compounds known as Ketones are released in the body making you have a feeling of exhaustion and develop a headache.

3.  When the protein in the muscles starts being used to generate energy, you will start losing the muscle build of your body. Absorption in the body will slow down so as to preserve the little number of calories you are consuming then. The rate of burning calories is associated directly with your muscle build.

In case you lose so much weight at the beginning of the diet regime, you will lose a lot of muscle too. Despite eating fewer calories, your body will burn calories at a slower rate compared to when you first started the diet due to lesser muscle. Once you revive your normal unavoidable diet habits, you will recover the originally lost weight and probably more. This is occasioned by the fact that your absorption rate is too slow to process the incoming calories and ends up storing them as fat. A low carbohydrate but high protein diet causes paleness, nausea, gout, kidney problems, and increases the risk of heart diseases.

Which Diet to choose for : 

The best and finest way to get fit by losing weight is choosing a diet that allows you to eat your food in their right proportions. The diet should be easy to follow and designed by a professional who will help in food choices with your weight height gender and other relative factors in mind. 


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