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Showing posts from September, 2014


                                        On some diet plans, pills are recommended that have stimulants as the active ingredients.  Stimulants do indeed suppress appetite but they also tend to, well, stimulate the entire body.  This may result in spectacular highs where you seem to have boundless energy for a few hours?? and then just as suddenly? you find yourself too tired to even think, let alone move!  Other diet plans may not advise special pills made from stimulants, but they will ask that you limit caloric intake to the point of exhaustion.  But is fatigue an issue on the GM diet? Unfortunately, this is a complicated question to answer because there are several potential causes of fatigue.  One of the reasons many of us chose the GM diet was because we were tired of being tired all the time.  Overeating is a very common cause of fatigue.  We have all had a large supper and found ourselves wanting to doze off afterward.  Oddly enough, underrating or starving yoursel